Thursday, 6 June 2013

Alexander Proud

What do Japanese Art and the Proud Galleries have in common? When Alexander Proud of the Proud Group first began his career in the art world, he started out selling Japanese art. It didn’t take long for him to realize his mistake: There was a limited market for these goods, they were hard to come by, and harder to sell unless you could find all of the right buyers. Looking for something a bit more lucrative and that would have wider appeal, the Proud Galleries turned to rock’n’roll.

The inspiration for this idea came from a chance meeting with Dennis Morris, a photographer who had photographic art depicting legends like Bob Marley and the Sex Pistols. Seeing the chance to charm a younger generation into the world of photography, the galleries set up the exhibition featuring rock’n’roll photography and received a metaphorical standing ovation from critics everywhere.

Proud Group later branched out further into the entertainment industry. Proud Camden promptly received an image overhaul by adding a bar to the gallery, as well as a new form of entertainment aside from the photography: a cabaret and burlesque act.

With the roaring success of this setup, the other two galleries received similar overhauls. As the entertainment grew, so did the crowds, and soon an entirely new generation started to enjoy the fine art of photography when mingled with dazzling shows, sumptuous food, and, of course, cocktails.

Never one to sit still for long, Alexander Proud lookeddeeper into what makes a great entertainment venue. The Proud Group decided that what folks really wanted was a unique experience. That is why in 2008, they chose to place the bar and live music venue in Proud Camden in a new location: the 200-year-old Grade II Listed Horse Hospital in the Stables Market in Camden. While it may seem like an unusual place for a bar, the relaxed atmosphere is loved by all, and as for the unique experience? The original stables are still intact. Folks can now enjoy lunch in their own stables, which are adorned with flat screen TVs and PlayStation 3’s.

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